应gg999策略手机白菜邀请, 哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)荣瑶博士将于2021年3月23日访问我校并做学术报告, 欢迎感兴趣的老师和同学参加。
报告题目:Grad-Div Stabilization Method and Two Applications
The divergence constraint of the incompressible problems might contribute to the pollution of velocity which is caused by the pressure dependent consistency error when the standard mixed finite element is used. Grad-div stabilization is a popular technique which improves the robustness of the standard mixed finite element spaces by adding a penalization with respect to the continuity equation. In this report, we briefly introduce grad-div stabilization method and apply it to algorithms for calculating approximating solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations and magnetohydrodynamics equations. Numerical tests are provided to illustrate the benefits of these algorithms over the standard mixed finite element method.