题目:Diffusive Interface Methods for Free Interface Motions
摘要: With the general framework of energetic variational approaches, we study the free interface motions in fluids. We also employ the diffusive interface (phase field) methods to give the full Eulerian description of the problem. We will demonstrate the connection to viscoelasticity and also other complex fluids. Some mathematical issues are discussed.
1991 - 1995
Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University, New York, NY.
Ph.D., September 1995.
Advisor: Professor Fang-Hua Lin.
Thesis: Nonlinear Dissipative Systems Modeling the Flow of Liquid Crystals: Existence, Regularity and Partial Regularity.
1989 - 1991
Duke University, Durham, NC.
M.S., May 1991.
Advisor: Professor Stephanos Venakides.
1984 - 1987
Fudan University, Shanghai, China.
B.S., July 1987.
2008 - 2010
Institute for Mathematics and Its Applications, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.
Associate Director.
2007 - 2008, 2010 - 2011
Department of Mathematics, Penn State University, University Park, PA.
Associate Head for Graduate Studies.
1995 - present
Department of Mathematics, Penn State University, University Park, PA.
various departmental committees.
- Communications in Mathematical Sciences
- SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis
- Kinetic and Related Models
- Analysis and Application
- Nonlinear Analysis and Differential Equations
- Molecular Based Mathematical Biology (MBMB)