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Sincere Recruitment of Excellent Talents The School of Mathematics and Statistics, Xi’an Jiaotong University
发布时间 : 2020-05-06     点击量:


Xi’an Jiaotong University is one of the first universities of China's "211 Project" and “985 Project” and is selected to be developed into a global first-class university. As one of the traditional colleges and schools, the School of Mathematics and Statistics has strong scientific research strength and currently has mathematics and statistics two disciplines authorized to confer PhD degrees, covering 7 majors: computational mathematics, applied mathematics, fundamental mathematics, probability and mathematical statistics, operation science and cybernetics, statistics, and applied statistics (big data). Our school also has a research facility for post-doctoral students in mathematics. Mathematics discipline enters top 1% of ESI global ranking. Computational mathematics is a nation-level key sub-discipline. In thefifth round of China Discipline Ranking, the discipline of mathematics enters category A and the discipline of statistics enters category B+. Our School has 5 scientific research platforms: National Engineering Laboratory for Big Data Analytics, The National Center for Applied Mathematics of Shaanxi,Tianyuan Mathematical Center in Northwest China ,Shaanxi Academy of Fundamental Sciences (Mathematics) and Xi’an International Academy for Mathematics and Mathematical Technology.


To serve China’s "Belt and Road" strategy and respond to the goal of building Xi’an Jiaotong University into a world first-class university, our school now provides favorable remuneration and high quality platform to cordially welcome and invite excellent talents at home and abroad. Seize the opportunity and choose the School of Mathematics and Statistics in XJTU as development platform, excellent talents can fully display self-worth and excellence on the stage of life. Recruiting requirements, employment pattern and remuneration are now listed as follows:


I. The field of recruitment


All subjects and majors in mathematics and statistics, and research fields crossing mathematics and other disciplines.


II. Positions and conditions

(一)    教授



1.1 Doctoral degree, willingness of working at the university full-time, high academic attainments, scientific achievements recognized by the academia domestic and abroad, usually under 45 years old

(二)    副教授

2 Associate professor


2.1 Doctoral degree of famous universities and institutions in the country or overseas, and willingness of working at the university full-time

2.2 具有取得博士学位后两年及以上的工作经历

2.2. At least two years working experience after obtaining the doctoral degree .

2.3 在相关学术领域已有突出业绩,具有成为学术带头人的潜质;

2.3 Prominent academic accomplishments in the field and the potential to be the academic leaders

2.4 年龄一般不超过35周岁。

2.4 Usually under 35 years old

(三)    青年拔尖人才支持计划

3Young Top Talent Support Plan


3.1 Talents who are of dedicated and rigorous scholarship, are disciplined and law-abiding, possess intelligence and virtue, have doctorate degree and under 40 years old. (To those who are truly excellent, the age limit can be extended to 45 years old.)


3.2 Talents who have already achieved prominent academic accomplishments in the field, being the top talents among peers and highly recognized by the academia.


3.3 Talents who possess a broad academic vision, innovative thinking and also the potential to be the leading figure of the field.


4Youth Excellent talent support program

4.1 爱国守法,品行端正,具有创新能力、团队精神和进取意识。

4.1 Talents who are patriotic, law-abiding, upright, innovative, team spirit and enterprising.

4.2 具有博士学位,年龄一般不超 32周岁,身心健康。

4.2 Talents with doctor's degree, generally no more than 32 years old, healthy in body and mind

4.3 已在相关领域取得明显业绩,在发表论文、主持(参与)科研项目或开展科技成果转化等方面表现出良好的学术发展潜力,研究方向符合“面向世界科技前沿、面向经济主战场、面向国家重大需求”要求。

4.3 Talents have made remarkable achievements in relevant fields, showing excellent academic development potential in publishing papers, hosting (participating in) scientific research projects or carrying out transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and the research direction meets the requirements of "facing the forefront of science and technology in the world, facing the main battlefield of economy, facing the major needs of the country".


III. Employment pattern and remuneration

1.      教授直接实行长期聘用。

1.      Long-term employment for professor.

2. 副教授实行“准聘-长聘”制度,准聘期结束、考核优秀者转入长期聘用。

2. “approved-employment to long-term-employment” system for associate professor. When the term of approved-employment finishes, those passing the assessment can directly turn into long-term employment.

3. 青年拔尖人才支持计划入选者纳入学校事业编制,实行聘期制,聘期最长六年。

3. The finalists of the Program shall have become staffing of government affiliated institutions under employment term system and the longest employment term is 6 years.

4. 青年优秀人才支持计划入选者聘用为助理教授,聘期4年。符合博士后进站条件者,须进入本校博士后流动站管理,并与学校、学院(研究院)、合作导师签订聘用合同;不符合进站条件者,签订有期限聘用合同。

4. The candidates of young talents support program are employed as assistant professors for 4 years. Those who meet the entry conditions for postdoctoral students must enter the University's postdoctoral mobile station for management, and sign employment contracts with schools, colleges (research institutes) and cooperative tutors; those who do not meet the entry conditions shall sign fixed-term employment contracts


The salary paid by the university to all kinds of talents consists of basic remuneration, performance award and school self-financing. The talents selected by the talents program of the province or the country can be entitled to corresponding government subsidy. Scientific research start-up funds and settlement allowance will be provided by the country or the university according to different positions. The children of talents employed can go to the university-affiliated kindergarten, primary school, middle school and high school (top 5 elite middle school in Xi’an).


IV. Application materials


Email the individual resume to the school’s contact person. After reaching the preliminary agreement, there will be an assistant assigned helping the candidates to apply for the post of the university. In the resume, please present individual information including personal information, contact information, study and working experience, research paper(s), project(s), patent(s), awards and other main academic achievements.


V. Contact Information


Contact: Xiaorui Liu


Telephone: 86-29-82663557





Address: The School of Mathematics and Statistics, Xi’an Jiaotong University, No. 28, Xianning West Road Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, China


Post code: 710049


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